Year 3 and 4

Our topic this half term is;

All Roads Lead to Rome

We started our year off with some brilliantly dressed Romans, making Roman mosaics, looking at Roman artefacts and turning ourselves into fully armoured Roman soldiers. We had a visiting Roman workshop, learning all about the different jobs the Romans would do – baking, cleaning, playing games, making fires. We even tried some Roman food!

Year 3/4 Information

What to bring to school each day

Please make sure you all have a named water bottle, coat, jumper and your PE kit in school every day. Whenever possible, PE will take place outside, so it is important that you have enough warm clothes and trainers in your PE kit and tape to cover up any earrings that cannot be removed. PE days will usually be on Tuesdays and Fridays but may occasionally be on other days too. The children can keep their water bottles in the classroom and water will be provided at lunchtime.



Please make sure an adult puts a note in your planner each time you read at home. You can change your book as often as you need to from the bookshelves in the Y3/4 corridor. Owl stamps will be given each time you have read at least three times a week and your planner will be checked at least once a week by an adult at school.


Spelling lists get given out at the beginning of each half term and you will have a spelling test every Monday. Each week you will record how you have got on with your spelling test in your planner.


Maths homework will be given out at the beginning of each week, on either a Monday or Tuesday, and will need to be returned to school by the following Monday.

Home Learning Projects

For each new topic, the children will be asked to create a project at home. This can be presented in whichever form they wish – PPT, model, artwork, diary entry etc. These projects will be showcased in our home Learning Gallery at the end of each topic, when parents are invited in to see the children’s work.

Some useful websites that may help you support your children with their learning are:
