Spring Term
Welcome back!
We hope that you have had a lovely February half term break. We warmly welcome Mrs Hopwood who will be teaching Honeybees. Our topic for Spring Term will continue to be “All Creatures Great and Small”. During this topic, children will continue to explore life under the sea and different habitats.
What will we be learning about?
• In English we will be using descriptive vocabulary after reading Flotsam. We will then write our own story based on The Storm Whale.
• In science, we will be learning to identify different habitats and explore how animals adapt to these. We will also explore microhabitats and how animals are suited to their habitats.
• During our R.E. lessons, we will be exploring the question ‘Why does Easter matter to Christians?’
• In geography, we will learn to name and locate the world’s 5 oceans.
• Children will continue to learn about pictograms in computing and how to present data using chromebooks.
• In art lessons, we will be creating our own under the sea collages inspired by artist Megan Coyle.
• In P.E., children will continue to have a focus of attacking and defending for participating in team games. Children will also continue to play Dodgeball. P.E. days for all Y1/2 classes will be Wednesday and most Thursdays.
• During our RHE lessons, we are beginning our topic Families and committed relationships: The Importance of Family.
What can you do to help?
We ask that children please read their book at least 3 times a week. Please record in your child’s planner when they have read at home. Children will receive an owl stamp if they are listened to at least 3 times a week. The book your child will bring home will be one which has been read in school. Reading books will be collected in on a Thursday and new books will be sent out on a Friday. Please make sure that your child has their planner and reading books in school every day. Any lost or damaged books will unfortunately be charged for. To encourage reading for pleasure, each class will be sending home a ‘Reading Dragon’ on a Friday.
Spellings will continue to be stuck in your child’s planner (Y2 children only) each week for their spelling test on a Friday. These will be linked to the sounds/rules they are learning in phonics at school. Please support your child with practising these at home. Y1 children will continue to bring home their Little Wandle Home Learning on a Friday.
Please use Seesaw to access suggested maths activities for your child’s learning each week. It is really important your child attempts some of the activities to support their maths learning at school. It will either be example websites with games on, songs for your child to sing or practical activities they can do at home. If you have any queries or need any support with this, please email your child’s class teacher.
Show and tell will continue to be on a Friday. If it is your child’s turn, they will have a sticker in their planner. We ask that you e-mail a photograph which your child can talk about if you wish
Dates for the diary
Wednesday 21st February- Skip2bfit (come in PE kits)
Thursday 7th March- World Book Day
W/B 11.03.24 British Science Week
Tuesday 12th & Wednesday 13th March- Parents Evening
W/B 18.03.24 Neuro Diversity Celebration Week
Thursday 21st March- World Poetry Day
Friday 22nd March- 9am – Easter Service at School
Friday 22nd March- Finish for Easter
Please send your child to school each day with their planner and reading book in a bookbag (no rucksacks), a coat and a named water bottle. We request only water is sent into school in bottles and not juice.
As always, thank you for all your continued support. Please get in touch if you have any queries.
Mrs Griffiths, Mrs Hopwood, Mrs Houston and Mr Barker.