We would like to welcome you to the Year 1/2 team and to let you know about some of the things that you can expect to happen this year.
We have 3 home classes, who work together as a team. All of our classes at St Oswald’s are represented by an animal. In Key Stage One, our classes are represented by minibeasts!
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Butterflies Class Mrs Lyon’s class | Honeybees Class Mrs Hopwood’s class | Ladybirds Class Mrs Houston’s and Mr Barker’s class |
What have we been learning about?
Don’t forget about our fortnightly newsletters sent on SeeSaw, our home-school communication platform to find out all about what has been happening in our phase. Please speak to class teachers if you require a code to sign in.
Who are we?
As a phase, we work together as a team so different teachers and support staff will work in different classes throughout the school year. In addition to our phase team, we also work alongside three HLTAs (Higher Level Teaching Assistants) who teach high quality P.E., Spanish and Art lessons.
What does the school day look like in Year 1/2?
Start of day: 8:45am (Doors open at 8:40am)
Entry point: Through the KS1 cloakroom doors
End of day: 3:10pm
Exit point: Butterflies and Honeybees leave through the KS1 cloakroom. Ladybirds leave through their external classroom doors.
Morning sessions
During a morning, children engage in a wide range of core learning activities. Children will split into single year group classes for reading, phonics and maths sessions. We return to home classes as a mixed class for English.
Collective worship
Collective worship takes place daily. The focus and gathering changes as the week progresses:
- Monday: Whole school collective worship
- Tuesday: Class collective worship
- Wednesday: Singing whole school worship
- Thursday: Phase collective worship
- Friday: Celebration whole school worship (parent/carers are welcome to join this collective worship)
Afternoon sessions
During an afternoon session, children engage in two or more foundation subjects. After a short, focussed handwriting session, children will participate in many subject areas such as Design and Technology, Science, Geography, P.E. and more!
Each day ends with a story time together before we make our way home.
What will our topics of learning be this year?
Autumn | Spring | Summer | |
Our learning topic: | The World and I![]() | Explorers![]() | The Secret Garden![]() |
Want to find out more about each topic of study? Visit our subject pages to find each curriculum area overview.
What are the homework expectations?
Planners: Every child will bring home a planner each day. Please use these to check for essential information, record
any home reading and information regarding further home learning. Planners should be brought into school each day.
Year 1 phonics overviews are shared weekly. These include the learning we will be looking at the following week. Although not essential, these could be something to work on and look at each week.
Year 2 spellings will get set and tested every Friday. These will be stuck into your planner and directly link to our phonics sessions. Make sure you get plenty of practise each week.
We ask that children please read their book at least 3 times a week. Please record in your child’s planner when they have read at home. Children will receive an owl stamp if they are listened to at least 3 times a week. The book your child will bring home will be one which has been read in school. Reading books will be collected in on a Thursday and new books will be sent out on a Friday. Please make sure that your child has their planner and reading books in school every day. Any lost or damaged books will unfortunately be charged for. To encourage reading for pleasure, each class will be sending home a ‘Reading Dragon’ on a Friday.
Please use Seesaw to access suggested maths activities for your child’s learning each week. It is really important your
child attempts some of the activities to support their maths learning at school. It will either be example websites with games on, songs for your child to sing or practical activities they can do at home. If you have any queries or need any support with this, please email your child’s class teacher.
Show and Tell:
Show and tell takes place on a Friday. If it is your child’s turn, they will have a sticker in their planner. We ask that you e-mail a photograph which your child can talk about if you wish