It is our aim that St Oswald’s Primary School will be a place where:
- Everyone is valued and all relationships are based on trust, respect, equality and celebration of diversity.
- Everyone has opportunities to develop, achieve and contribute in different ways to be the best they can be.
- Everyone is encouraged to take responsibility for themselves, for each other and for our world.
- Everything we do contributes to children’s personal, spiritual, moral and cultural development.
- Children are happy and confident and play a valued role in their local community.
Our Home School Agreement sets out how the school, parents and pupils will work in partnership to achieve this.
The School will:
- Work to ensure that all pupils feel safe and happy in school.
- Operate an ‘open door policy’ for parents.
- Contact parents if there is a problem with attendance, punctuality or equipment.
- Let parents know about any concerns about their child’s work, behaviour or wellbeing.
- Encourage children to do their best at all times.
- Encourage children to take care of their surroundings and others around them.
- Keep parents informed about their children’s progress through Parents’ Evenings and end of year School Reports.
- Keep parents informed about school activities through regular newsletters and notices.
- Consult parents and pupils about school policies and procedures when appropriate.
The Parent/Carer will:
- See that my child goes to school on time and properly equipped.
- Ensure that my child follows the school’s uniform policy.
- Let the school know about any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour.
- Support the school’s policies and guidelines on behaviour and attendance.
- Support my child in homework and other opportunities for home learning.
- Attend parents’ evenings and discussions about my child’s progress.
The Pupil will:
- Arrive at school on time.
- Bring all the equipment I need every day.
- Do all my class work and homework as well as I can.
- Be polite and helpful to others.
- Concentrate in lessons and behave sensibly in school to help me to learn.
- Treat other pupils and school property with respect.
- Follow the school Code of Conduct.
- Remember that whenever I am wearing the school uniform I am representing our school.