We are a cohort of 45 children made up of two Reception classes. We work as one for most of the day across two fantastic classrooms and a lovely outdoor area. Provision is well planned with busy and quiet areas. We have our own carpet areas for focused phonics, maths and curriculum sessions.
Our Early Years curriculum is unique to St Oswald’s Primary, planned and developed carefully around the specific needs of our children and our community and covers all aspects of the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.
Within our school learning through play underpins our EYFS. Through play, our children develop language skills, their emotions, creativity and develop their social skills. Play is how we learn best, we believe it is a chance for us to challenge ourselves, work together, express ourselves, negotiate and importantly have fun!
Our curriculum is well-sequenced, ambitious and reflective of our children’s interests. We value our children as individuals and respond to their interests. Children develop their own ideas and through carefully created indoor and outdoor areas, there are opportunities for them to develop creativity, make links between their ideas and think critically. The prime areas of Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development are a primary focus for the teaching and learning within the Early Years. These are understood by the Early Years team and considered fundamental in preparing children to become effective, self-regulated learners. We focus on making learning fun through exciting and engaging activities to provide children with the skills needed to achieve and excel in their future.
Our indoor environment is carefully designed to promote children’s independence and social and emotional well-being. The provision areas offer open-ended activities with prompts to support and enhance learning through play. Children have access to free flow activities across both classrooms, with experiences including role play, investigation, construction materials, Maths, Literacy and reading areas. We have quiet areas to reflect, take time out and focus on how we are feeling. Our outdoor area opportunities develop gross motor skills with a focus on climbing and balancing equipment. Favourites such as our mud kitchen and water area promote children working collaboratively. We have a music and dance stage and a further Wild Area where we plan for specific Forest Schools sessions.
EYFS Newsletters
EYFS Home Story Bags
Our fantastic Home Story Bags are going to be going home with our EYFS children across their Reception year.
These are the next stage in our Communication and Language support and are to …
Encourage Interactions
Enhance children’s vocabulary and language
Support children in their story telling and role play.
These are a lovely resource for you to have at home and support our other areas of learning too. Enjoy and embrace the story telling and the activity pack that comes home and don’t forget to write us a message about what you got up to in the note book provided 🙂